Friday, June 25, 2010



We need to understand the principle and the process by which God releases His blessings in order for us to receive it in full. Once you receive it in full, there is a reason why God entrusted it to you. Just imagine, of all the billions of people on earth, why did God choose you? God can choose another person, but why you? Because God knows you are ready and you can be trusted.

Allow me to unveil the main reason why He wants you to prosper.

God wants you to prosper so that you can become a blessing to others.

God has entrusted the riches to us for a reason. Not only so we can live comfortable lives but also so we can make other people’s lives better.

Notice what the Lord’s prayer says.

Give us this day our daily bread.

What is so strange about this prayer is that it is a personal prayer. But how come we pray, “give US” and not “give ME”?
I believe God is teaching us to pray not only for our needs but also for the needs of other people.

We should not think only of ourselves but also of others.

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:11).

Till my next blog!


norberto barniso said...

Thank you for sharing this inspirational message. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!

Unknown said...

wow! very well said Mr. chinkee. I pray that prayer everyday. But I never know the real meaning of it.

"GIVE US TODAY OUR DAILY BREAD" is just a verse from the prayer.

I realize that I am not sincere on what I pray. All I know is that praying is a requirement. I realize how selfish and stupid I am as a daughter of God. I told my friends about going to church, etc. I thought I was religious. I finally realize that I am not anymore. Starting today Chinkee I will read the bible sincerely and pray from the bottom of my heart. I will pray... not for requirement but for COMMITMENT. Thank you mr. chinkee. I learned a lesson from you. KEEP BLOGGING :)

Henry said...

Everything in this world is not ours to keep. If we receive a blessing, let's always make sure to utilize and share it.

janfern_capt said...

Our Father wants us to be rich for us to be a blessing to other people. To selfless and not selfish.To be a giver and sharer...
=thnx for the reminder Kuya Chinkee..God empower u always!

Unknown said...

I fail to see the point of your post.

1. There are tons of corrupt millionaires out there who earned money through devious means,you say god chose these people and that they can be trusted?

2. Are the poor people unworthy of god's blessing that's why they remain poor? There are tons of devout christians stuck in poverty, slugging their way into survival.

3. People usually do charity to avoid taxes, it's a market strategy.

The only way for a person to prosper is by working hard and learning whatever you can from those who are already successful. Dependin on god will not amount to anything other than a placebo effect.

And an excerpt from the bible:

"it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of god"

wealthtransfer/Josh said...

I wonder why some people, always see the negative in every positive messages. It's always true that God wants us to prosper, but others are not willing to prosper. They want to remain poor unconsciously because they are not willing to learn and stay uninformed. People are perished because of lack of knowledge, the Bible says. Same with the Poor minded-set people they lacked knowledge that's why they remain poor. If only they will open their mind and willing to learn, they can come out of their situation... I am speaking from my experience.
Thank you Mr. Chinkee I've attended one of your seminars, that time the average money in my pocket was only 20 pesos, but now after applying what I've learned, the average money in my pocket is 500 pesos. Truly knowledge applied is power to set us free even from Poverty. God bless!